Saturday, February 25, 2006
No data being updated to internet anymore - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
Hi everyone!
I have recently had some problems with my weather station's internet upload, so I have cancelled all uploading. I'm terribly sorry for any inconveinence this causes.
Hi everyone!
I have recently had some problems with my weather station's internet upload, so I have cancelled all uploading. I'm terribly sorry for any inconveinence this causes.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Severe Weather Awareness Week - Day 4 - Flooding/Flash Flooding - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
...Flood and Flash Flood Awareness Day...
Severe Weather Awareness Week continues today with a look at flood and flash flood safety.
Floods and flash floods occur every year in the Mid-South. River flooding occurs seasonally when winter or spring rains or torrential rains associated with tropical storms fill river basins with too much water too quickly. Flash floods occur suddenly, usually occurring within hours of excessive localized rainfall. These flash floods can become raging torrents which rip through river beds urban streets or valleys sweeping everything before them.
When a Flash Flood Warning is issued for your county, or the moment you first realize that a flash flood is imminent, act quickly to save yourself. You may only have seconds.
A Flood Watch means it is possible that heavy rains will cause flooding in the specified area. Stay alert to the weather and think about what you would do if water begins to rise or if you receive a warning. Watch for development.
Here are some flash flood safety rules.
Get out of areas subject to flooding. This includes dips, low spots, valleys, stream banks, and flood plains.
Avoid already flooded and high velocity flow areas. Do not attempt to cross a flowing stream on foot where water is above your ankles.
If driving, know the depth of water in a dip before crossing. The road bed may not be intact under the water. Don't drive into a pool of water or where water is flowing. Water up to the bumper will likely stall a car.
If the vehicle stalls, abandon it immediately and seek higher ground. Rapidly rising water may engulf the vehicle and its occupants and sweep them away.
Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize flood dangers. Heavy rain events frequently occur at night!
Do not camp or park your vehicle along streams or drainage areas particularly during threatening conditions.
...Flood and Flash Flood Awareness Day...
Severe Weather Awareness Week continues today with a look at flood and flash flood safety.
Floods and flash floods occur every year in the Mid-South. River flooding occurs seasonally when winter or spring rains or torrential rains associated with tropical storms fill river basins with too much water too quickly. Flash floods occur suddenly, usually occurring within hours of excessive localized rainfall. These flash floods can become raging torrents which rip through river beds urban streets or valleys sweeping everything before them.
When a Flash Flood Warning is issued for your county, or the moment you first realize that a flash flood is imminent, act quickly to save yourself. You may only have seconds.
A Flood Watch means it is possible that heavy rains will cause flooding in the specified area. Stay alert to the weather and think about what you would do if water begins to rise or if you receive a warning. Watch for development.
Here are some flash flood safety rules.
Get out of areas subject to flooding. This includes dips, low spots, valleys, stream banks, and flood plains.
Avoid already flooded and high velocity flow areas. Do not attempt to cross a flowing stream on foot where water is above your ankles.
If driving, know the depth of water in a dip before crossing. The road bed may not be intact under the water. Don't drive into a pool of water or where water is flowing. Water up to the bumper will likely stall a car.
If the vehicle stalls, abandon it immediately and seek higher ground. Rapidly rising water may engulf the vehicle and its occupants and sweep them away.
Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize flood dangers. Heavy rain events frequently occur at night!
Do not camp or park your vehicle along streams or drainage areas particularly during threatening conditions.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Severe Weather Awareness Week 2006 - Day 3 - Tornadoes - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
...Tornado Awareness Day...
Your safety depends on being constantly alert to the possibility of tornadoes from the thunderstorms that approach you. This is especially true during Tornado Watches. A careful lookout should be kept during any period of severe weather activity. Plan in advance where you will go and what you will do if a tornado threatens you.
Remember...a Tornado Watch means that tornado development is watch the sky for developing thunderstorms and all the hazards they bring. Stay tuned to weather radio...commercial radio or television for weather statements or warnings.
A Tornado Warning...usually issued for 1 or 2 counties at a time...means that a tornado has been sighted...or indicated by weather radar. Persons in the path of the storm need to immediately find shelter...preferably in a sturdy building...below ground if possible.
Here are some tornado safety rules.
In homes or small buildings...go to the basement...or to an interior room...such as a closet or bathroom...on the lowest level. Get under something sturdy...such as a heavy table or a bed.
In mobile homes and vehicles...abandon them and go to a sturdy structure. If there is no such structure nearby...lie flat in a ditch ravine...gully...culvert...or low spot with your arms and hands shielding your head.
In large buildings such as schools...factories...hospitals...nursing homes...and shopping centers...go to the predesignated shelter area.
Interior hallways on the lowest floor are usually best. Stay away from rooms that are large in area because they have weakly supported roofs.
Stay away from windows.
...Tornado Awareness Day...
Your safety depends on being constantly alert to the possibility of tornadoes from the thunderstorms that approach you. This is especially true during Tornado Watches. A careful lookout should be kept during any period of severe weather activity. Plan in advance where you will go and what you will do if a tornado threatens you.
Remember...a Tornado Watch means that tornado development is watch the sky for developing thunderstorms and all the hazards they bring. Stay tuned to weather radio...commercial radio or television for weather statements or warnings.
A Tornado Warning...usually issued for 1 or 2 counties at a time...means that a tornado has been sighted...or indicated by weather radar. Persons in the path of the storm need to immediately find shelter...preferably in a sturdy building...below ground if possible.
Here are some tornado safety rules.
In homes or small buildings...go to the basement...or to an interior room...such as a closet or bathroom...on the lowest level. Get under something sturdy...such as a heavy table or a bed.
In mobile homes and vehicles...abandon them and go to a sturdy structure. If there is no such structure nearby...lie flat in a ditch ravine...gully...culvert...or low spot with your arms and hands shielding your head.
In large buildings such as schools...factories...hospitals...nursing homes...and shopping centers...go to the predesignated shelter area.
Interior hallways on the lowest floor are usually best. Stay away from rooms that are large in area because they have weakly supported roofs.
Stay away from windows.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Severe Weather Awareness Week - Day 2 - Lightning - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
Unedited Public Information Statement from NWS Memphis:
...Lightning Awareness Say...
Severe Weather Awareness Week continues today with a look at lightning safety.
Here are some lightning safety rules.
Any lightning safety plan should incorporate the "30/30 Rule". The 30/30 rule states people should seek shelter is the flash to bang delay /length of time in seconds between a lightning flash and its subsequent thunder/ is 30 seconds or less and that they remain under cover until 30 minutes after the final clap of thunder.
Move inside a well constructed house...a large building...or an all metal vehicle. Stay away from electrical appliances and do not use the telephone.
If you are in a boat...get off the water and into a substantial building...or at least into an enclosed and all-metal vehicle with the windows up. If you're caught in an open metal boat...lie down in the boat with cushions between you and the metal sides and bottom.
If you are caught outdoors...get down to avoid being the highest point for a lightning discharge. If you're caught in a flat open field or if you feel your hair standing on end...Crouch down and cover your head with your hands. That way...only your feet will touch the ground.
Move away from motorcycles...scooters...Golf carts...bicycles...tractors...and other metal farm equipment. Avoid wire fences...clothes lines...metal pipes...drains...Railroad tracks...and other metallic objects.
Avoid lone trees and the tallest trees. If caught in the Woods...pick a small grove of trees as your shelter...and stand at least 5 feet from the trunk of the nearest tree to avoid flying bark if the tree is struck.
Avoid standing in a small isolated shed or other small ungrounded structure in other areas.
If in a group of people in an open area...spread out before you kneel down.
On Wednesday...we will conduct a Tornado Drill between 9 and 10 A.M. in Tennessee.
Unedited Public Information Statement from NWS Memphis:
...Lightning Awareness Say...
Severe Weather Awareness Week continues today with a look at lightning safety.
Here are some lightning safety rules.
Any lightning safety plan should incorporate the "30/30 Rule". The 30/30 rule states people should seek shelter is the flash to bang delay /length of time in seconds between a lightning flash and its subsequent thunder/ is 30 seconds or less and that they remain under cover until 30 minutes after the final clap of thunder.
Move inside a well constructed house...a large building...or an all metal vehicle. Stay away from electrical appliances and do not use the telephone.
If you are in a boat...get off the water and into a substantial building...or at least into an enclosed and all-metal vehicle with the windows up. If you're caught in an open metal boat...lie down in the boat with cushions between you and the metal sides and bottom.
If you are caught outdoors...get down to avoid being the highest point for a lightning discharge. If you're caught in a flat open field or if you feel your hair standing on end...Crouch down and cover your head with your hands. That way...only your feet will touch the ground.
Move away from motorcycles...scooters...Golf carts...bicycles...tractors...and other metal farm equipment. Avoid wire fences...clothes lines...metal pipes...drains...Railroad tracks...and other metallic objects.
Avoid lone trees and the tallest trees. If caught in the Woods...pick a small grove of trees as your shelter...and stand at least 5 feet from the trunk of the nearest tree to avoid flying bark if the tree is struck.
Avoid standing in a small isolated shed or other small ungrounded structure in other areas.
If in a group of people in an open area...spread out before you kneel down.
On Wednesday...we will conduct a Tornado Drill between 9 and 10 A.M. in Tennessee.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Severe Weather Awareness Week - Day 1 - Severe Thunderstorms - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
Here is the unedited (except for punctuation and capitalization) Public Informtion Statement from WFO MEG.
...Severe Thunderstorm Awareness Day...
There are approximately two thousand thunderstorms in progress around the world at any given time. Most of these storms are beneficial and bring needed rain. Only a small fraction (less than one percent) are classified as severe. Severe thunderstorms are those thunderstorms that produce hail three quarter inch in diameter...or larger...and or strong wind gusts of 58 mph or greater. Hail that is three quarters of an inch in diameter is about the size of a penny.
A small fraction of these thunderstorms produce tornadoes. All thunderstorms are capable of producing deadly lightning. The heavy rains or the lightning activity in a thunderstorm do not have anything to do with a thunderstorm being classified as severe.
Some of the severe thunderstorms safety rules are as follows.
Find shelter immediately. Go to a sturdy building that will withstand high winds. Avoid electrical appliances and telephones.
It would be a good idea to bring your car inside a garage and to secure loose objects.
Remember...a Severe Thunderstorm Warning means that a severe thunderstorm is occurring. The severe thunderstorm has been detected by the Doppler Radar...or reported to the National Weather Service by our Skywarn spotter network...or the local law enforcement agency in a particular county.
A Severe Thunderstorm Watch means that conditions are right for severe thunderstorms to develop...but none has been observed. Folks should keep an eye on the sky and listen to commercial broadcasts...or weather radio for any subsequent warnings.
When a Severe Thunderstorm Warning is issued for your location....treat it the same as you would a Tornado Warning. Severe thunderstorms can produce damaging winds large hail and deadly lightning.
Here is the unedited (except for punctuation and capitalization) Public Informtion Statement from WFO MEG.
...Severe Thunderstorm Awareness Day...
There are approximately two thousand thunderstorms in progress around the world at any given time. Most of these storms are beneficial and bring needed rain. Only a small fraction (less than one percent) are classified as severe. Severe thunderstorms are those thunderstorms that produce hail three quarter inch in diameter...or larger...and or strong wind gusts of 58 mph or greater. Hail that is three quarters of an inch in diameter is about the size of a penny.
A small fraction of these thunderstorms produce tornadoes. All thunderstorms are capable of producing deadly lightning. The heavy rains or the lightning activity in a thunderstorm do not have anything to do with a thunderstorm being classified as severe.
Some of the severe thunderstorms safety rules are as follows.
Find shelter immediately. Go to a sturdy building that will withstand high winds. Avoid electrical appliances and telephones.
It would be a good idea to bring your car inside a garage and to secure loose objects.
Remember...a Severe Thunderstorm Warning means that a severe thunderstorm is occurring. The severe thunderstorm has been detected by the Doppler Radar...or reported to the National Weather Service by our Skywarn spotter network...or the local law enforcement agency in a particular county.
A Severe Thunderstorm Watch means that conditions are right for severe thunderstorms to develop...but none has been observed. Folks should keep an eye on the sky and listen to commercial broadcasts...or weather radio for any subsequent warnings.
When a Severe Thunderstorm Warning is issued for your location....treat it the same as you would a Tornado Warning. Severe thunderstorms can produce damaging winds large hail and deadly lightning.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
More winter weather next weekend? [groan] - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
Winter weather to continue lightly throughout Saturday - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
UPDATE #4: The NWS in Memphis has cancelled the Winter Storm Advisory. Thus, I will stop commenting on this storm system except for a wrapup, which will come tonight.
UPDATE #3 (10:29 AM): The Winter Storm Warning has been downgraded to a Winter Weather Advisory. It has begun to sleet again here in Germantown, after a break in the precip that lasted about an hour. I have only seen one car on my street this morning. It seems that many people are taking the advice and staying home. In a little bit, I will venture outside to measure the accumulated precip and to take some more pictures.
Precip Report (as of 10:15 AM)
This map is based on storm reports from WFO MEG.

UPDATE #2 (8:54 AM): I have posted some pictures of the sleet in my area. Look to the right of this post and you can see them.
DATA NOTE (7:51 AM): I cannot verify this, but I think my anemometer on my weather station is frozen. The wind speed is still functioning, but, according to the weather station, the wind direction has been the same since 3:00 am. You can check my data (updated every 8 seconds) here. Also, MEG is reporting 1/4" of sleet in Downtown Memphis.
UPDATE (7:09 AM): MEG has first official report of snow in Union City, TN - 2 inches. Just a warning: "METALLIC SURFACES SUCH AS FENCES HAVE BEEN COLLECTING ICE. EXPECT ROAD CONDITIONS TO DETERIORATE RAPIDLY. BRIDGE AND OVERPASSES WILL BE SLICK." (Quote from Short Term Forecast)
ORIGINAL POST (6:07 AM):Happy Saturday, everyone.
If you're in the Memphis area, you probably already know that it's been icing ever since around midnight. I really do not have any new info to tell you, except that the SPC has issued a mesoscale discussion concerning this event. Basically, all they are saying is that winter weather will continue throughout the day. (Gee, that tells me a lot!)
I will be updating this blog throughout the day, so check back often!
Closings Info
Here are the links to various closings lists.
Airport Info
FAA Live Airport Status for Memphis Int'l Airport
Road Conditions
Tennessee or call 1-800-342-3258
Arkansas or call 1-800-245-1672
Mississippi or call 1-888-728-4218
See more states' roads
UPDATE #4: The NWS in Memphis has cancelled the Winter Storm Advisory. Thus, I will stop commenting on this storm system except for a wrapup, which will come tonight.
UPDATE #3 (10:29 AM): The Winter Storm Warning has been downgraded to a Winter Weather Advisory. It has begun to sleet again here in Germantown, after a break in the precip that lasted about an hour. I have only seen one car on my street this morning. It seems that many people are taking the advice and staying home. In a little bit, I will venture outside to measure the accumulated precip and to take some more pictures.
Precip Report (as of 10:15 AM)
This map is based on storm reports from WFO MEG.
UPDATE #2 (8:54 AM): I have posted some pictures of the sleet in my area. Look to the right of this post and you can see them.
DATA NOTE (7:51 AM): I cannot verify this, but I think my anemometer on my weather station is frozen. The wind speed is still functioning, but, according to the weather station, the wind direction has been the same since 3:00 am. You can check my data (updated every 8 seconds) here. Also, MEG is reporting 1/4" of sleet in Downtown Memphis.
UPDATE (7:09 AM): MEG has first official report of snow in Union City, TN - 2 inches. Just a warning: "METALLIC SURFACES SUCH AS FENCES HAVE BEEN COLLECTING ICE. EXPECT ROAD CONDITIONS TO DETERIORATE RAPIDLY. BRIDGE AND OVERPASSES WILL BE SLICK." (Quote from Short Term Forecast)
ORIGINAL POST (6:07 AM):Happy Saturday, everyone.
If you're in the Memphis area, you probably already know that it's been icing ever since around midnight. I really do not have any new info to tell you, except that the SPC has issued a mesoscale discussion concerning this event. Basically, all they are saying is that winter weather will continue throughout the day. (Gee, that tells me a lot!)
I will be updating this blog throughout the day, so check back often!
Closings Info
Here are the links to various closings lists.
Airport Info
FAA Live Airport Status for Memphis Int'l Airport
Road Conditions
Tennessee or call 1-800-342-3258
Arkansas or call 1-800-245-1672
Mississippi or call 1-888-728-4218
See more states' roads
Friday, February 17, 2006
Winter weather moving in tonight - last update of the night - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
UPDATE #4: This is my last update of the night. The freezing rain should be entering the Memphis area within the next two hours. Soon after that, sleet should be mixed in.
Remember, a Winter Storm Warning is in effect until tomorrow afternoon and an Ice Storm Warning is in effect for parts of northern Mississippi. For more info during the night, consult the other pages of Weather Underground or go to the NWS-Memphis.
Be safe, everyone.
UPDATE #3 (9:42 PM): The AFD from Memphis just said that the first report of freezing rain in the Memphis CWA occured in the Missouri Bootheel at 8:45 pm. It goes on to say that precip in the Memphis Metro Area will begin as rain, then change over to freezing rain by midnight. Then, after 3 AM, it will begin to mix with sleet. Tomorrow, expect 1/4-1/2" of ice and 1" of snow/sleet.
UPDATE #2 (8:16 PM): Check out the precip moving through AR/OK! This image should be live. (Yes-this is moving toward Memphis)

UPDATE #1 (7:36 PM): The Short Term Forecast from WFO MEG shows that light rain is beginning to move into western Arkansas. This is not freezing at this time, as temps are in the upper 30s.
ORIGINAL POST (4:10 PM): Anyway, let me discuss the current situation. WFO MEG has upgraded the Winter Storm Watch to a Winter Storm Warning for most of the CWA from 10:00 PM tonight to 6:00 PM tomorrow. Areas around Jonesboro, Dyersburg, and Huntingdon will see 2-4 inches of snow and sleet, and areas south of this area will see around an inch of sleet and ice.
Click on the thumbnail for a graphical representation:
Closings Info
Here are the links to various closings lists.
Stay with Wunderground and this blog for the latest info.
UPDATE #4: This is my last update of the night. The freezing rain should be entering the Memphis area within the next two hours. Soon after that, sleet should be mixed in.
Remember, a Winter Storm Warning is in effect until tomorrow afternoon and an Ice Storm Warning is in effect for parts of northern Mississippi. For more info during the night, consult the other pages of Weather Underground or go to the NWS-Memphis.
Be safe, everyone.
UPDATE #3 (9:42 PM): The AFD from Memphis just said that the first report of freezing rain in the Memphis CWA occured in the Missouri Bootheel at 8:45 pm. It goes on to say that precip in the Memphis Metro Area will begin as rain, then change over to freezing rain by midnight. Then, after 3 AM, it will begin to mix with sleet. Tomorrow, expect 1/4-1/2" of ice and 1" of snow/sleet.
UPDATE #2 (8:16 PM): Check out the precip moving through AR/OK! This image should be live. (Yes-this is moving toward Memphis)
UPDATE #1 (7:36 PM): The Short Term Forecast from WFO MEG shows that light rain is beginning to move into western Arkansas. This is not freezing at this time, as temps are in the upper 30s.
ORIGINAL POST (4:10 PM): Anyway, let me discuss the current situation. WFO MEG has upgraded the Winter Storm Watch to a Winter Storm Warning for most of the CWA from 10:00 PM tonight to 6:00 PM tomorrow. Areas around Jonesboro, Dyersburg, and Huntingdon will see 2-4 inches of snow and sleet, and areas south of this area will see around an inch of sleet and ice.
Click on the thumbnail for a graphical representation:
Closings Info
Here are the links to various closings lists.
Stay with Wunderground and this blog for the latest info.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Tornado Watch cancelled - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
The Tornado Watch that was in effect for Memphis has been cancelled in the Memphis CWA as of 9:50 PM.
As a result, I will not be updating this blog until tomorrow. Expect the latest on the possible winter storm, and a wrapup of tonight's storms. Good night.
The Tornado Watch that was in effect for Memphis has been cancelled in the Memphis CWA as of 9:50 PM.
As a result, I will not be updating this blog until tomorrow. Expect the latest on the possible winter storm, and a wrapup of tonight's storms. Good night.
Not discussing winter weather until tomorrow - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
I will not be discussing the possible winter storm until tomorrow due to the strong thunderstorms moving through the area right now. I will tell you, however, that there is a Winter Storm Watch in effect for most of the Memphis County Warning Area. This watch is in effect from Friday evening to Saturday afternoon.
I will not be discussing the possible winter storm until tomorrow due to the strong thunderstorms moving through the area right now. I will tell you, however, that there is a Winter Storm Watch in effect for most of the Memphis County Warning Area. This watch is in effect from Friday evening to Saturday afternoon.
First report of hail for the evening - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
Just coming across the internet, a storm report of penny sized hail (.75") has been reported by law enforcement in the town of Supply, AR, at 6:30 PM. I guess this is just a sign of things to come...
Radar image at 6:25 PM, centered around Randolph County (click to enlarge):
Just coming across the internet, a storm report of penny sized hail (.75") has been reported by law enforcement in the town of Supply, AR, at 6:30 PM. I guess this is just a sign of things to come...
Radar image at 6:25 PM, centered around Randolph County (click to enlarge):
New mesoscale discussion - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
The SPC has issued a new Mesoscale Discussion for the Mid-South. Basically, it says that isolated high winds and tornadoes are still possible, but the chances for severe weather will decrease throughout the evening.
Remember, a Tornado Watch is still in effect until 1:00 AM Friday.
The SPC has issued a new Mesoscale Discussion for the Mid-South. Basically, it says that isolated high winds and tornadoes are still possible, but the chances for severe weather will decrease throughout the evening.
Remember, a Tornado Watch is still in effect until 1:00 AM Friday.
Just a little typo can cause mass confusion... - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
As I was browsing the TalkWeather forum, some people were talking about a severe thunderstorm warning issued today in Fulton County, AR. It said, and I quote, "AT 423 PM CST...NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DOPPLER RADAR INDICATED A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM 12 MILES WEST OF VIOLA...MOVING EAST AT 455 MPH." Wow! A TalkWeather member said, "This storm should reach Memphis in ten minutes. Will be north of HUntsville By 5:00pm! Expect winds with this to make it seem like the world is coming to an end!!!!!!" Another one said, "That's enough to blow the water right out of the Mississippi River."
Note: four minutes after the warning was issued, the NWS in Little Rock corrected the warning.
As I was browsing the TalkWeather forum, some people were talking about a severe thunderstorm warning issued today in Fulton County, AR. It said, and I quote, "AT 423 PM CST...NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DOPPLER RADAR INDICATED A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM 12 MILES WEST OF VIOLA...MOVING EAST AT 455 MPH." Wow! A TalkWeather member said, "This storm should reach Memphis in ten minutes. Will be north of HUntsville By 5:00pm! Expect winds with this to make it seem like the world is coming to an end!!!!!!" Another one said, "That's enough to blow the water right out of the Mississippi River."
Note: four minutes after the warning was issued, the NWS in Little Rock corrected the warning.
Severe weather possible tonight - Tornado Watch just issued
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
UPDATE #2: A Tornado Watch has just been issued for all Arkansas counties, most TN counties, and some NW MS counties until 1:00 AM. "Tornadoes, hail to 1.5 inches in diameter, thunderstorm wind gusts to 70 mph, and dangerous lightning are possible..."
UPDATE (5:11 PM): The SPC has just issued a Mesoscale Discussion for the entire Memphis CWA. In it, they say that the Memphis area is being monitored for a possible watch (i.e., Tornado Watch, Severe Thunderstorm Watch) by 6:00 PM (0:00 GMT). Stay with us for the latest.
ORIGINAL POST (4:52 PM): The Storm Prediction Center has placed eastern Arkansas and western Tennessee under a slight risk for severe weather tonight. WFO MEG (National Weather Service - Memphis) has issued a Wind Advisory for the entire County Warning Area (CWA) until 7 PM tonight. Outside MEG's CWA, there are numerous Severe T'storm Warnings and Tornado Warnings. Additionally, there are three Tornado Watches in Missouri and Central-Western Arkansas. Stay tuned to this blog for the latest info concerning this situation.
Later on tonight, I will talk about the possible winter weather event. On a brief note, MEG has issued a Winter Storm Watch for most of the CWA for Fri. Night-Saturday. I will discuss this later.
UPDATE #2: A Tornado Watch has just been issued for all Arkansas counties, most TN counties, and some NW MS counties until 1:00 AM. "Tornadoes, hail to 1.5 inches in diameter, thunderstorm wind gusts to 70 mph, and dangerous lightning are possible..."
UPDATE (5:11 PM): The SPC has just issued a Mesoscale Discussion for the entire Memphis CWA. In it, they say that the Memphis area is being monitored for a possible watch (i.e., Tornado Watch, Severe Thunderstorm Watch) by 6:00 PM (0:00 GMT). Stay with us for the latest.
ORIGINAL POST (4:52 PM): The Storm Prediction Center has placed eastern Arkansas and western Tennessee under a slight risk for severe weather tonight. WFO MEG (National Weather Service - Memphis) has issued a Wind Advisory for the entire County Warning Area (CWA) until 7 PM tonight. Outside MEG's CWA, there are numerous Severe T'storm Warnings and Tornado Warnings. Additionally, there are three Tornado Watches in Missouri and Central-Western Arkansas. Stay tuned to this blog for the latest info concerning this situation.
Later on tonight, I will talk about the possible winter weather event. On a brief note, MEG has issued a Winter Storm Watch for most of the CWA for Fri. Night-Saturday. I will discuss this later.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Update on possible winter weather event - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
Most of the info in this post has come from WFO MEG's Area Forecast Discussion (AFD) with a little bit of guidance from the GFS and ETA forecast models.
Here is what I think will happen this weekend (sorted by location):
Memphis Metro Area : Rain/freezing rain on Saturday
SE AR/North MS: Mainly rain
Saturday Night
All areas: There should be a break in the major precipitation
Sunday - Sunday Night
Areas north of I-40 (AR & TN): Mix of freezing rain/sleet/snow
Memphis Metro Area: [quote from AFD] "...could be significant icing Sunday into Sunday night."
MS: Little ice, probably rain
Info from Hazardous Weather Outlook (HWO):
Possibility of severe weather Thursday night (the 16th). "Some thunderstorms could be strong, although at this time should be below severe limits."
It also mentions the winter storm may cause travel problems across the Mid-South.
Most of the info in this post has come from WFO MEG's Area Forecast Discussion (AFD) with a little bit of guidance from the GFS and ETA forecast models.
Here is what I think will happen this weekend (sorted by location):
Memphis Metro Area : Rain/freezing rain on Saturday
SE AR/North MS: Mainly rain
Saturday Night
All areas: There should be a break in the major precipitation
Sunday - Sunday Night
Areas north of I-40 (AR & TN): Mix of freezing rain/sleet/snow
Memphis Metro Area: [quote from AFD] "...could be significant icing Sunday into Sunday night."
MS: Little ice, probably rain
Info from Hazardous Weather Outlook (HWO):
Possibility of severe weather Thursday night (the 16th). "Some thunderstorms could be strong, although at this time should be below severe limits."
It also mentions the winter storm may cause travel problems across the Mid-South.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Severe Weather Awareness Week 2006 - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
The annual NWS Severe Weather Awareness Weeks are coming soon. Here are the dates for the states surrounding Memphis:
Tennessee: February 19-24
Arkansas & Mississippi: February 20-24
Schedule of Highlights
Monday: Severe Thunderstorms
Tuesday: Lightning
Wednesday: Tornadoes/Tornado Safety
Thursday: Flooding/Flash Floods
Friday: NOAA Weather Radio/Emergency Alert System
Tennessee Residents: On Wednesday, a statewide tornado drill will occur between 11 AM and noon. If it is cancelled due to bad weather, it will be postponed to Thursday.
Stay tuned to this blog to see each day's feature!
The annual NWS Severe Weather Awareness Weeks are coming soon. Here are the dates for the states surrounding Memphis:
Tennessee: February 19-24
Arkansas & Mississippi: February 20-24
Schedule of Highlights
Monday: Severe Thunderstorms
Tuesday: Lightning
Wednesday: Tornadoes/Tornado Safety
Thursday: Flooding/Flash Floods
Friday: NOAA Weather Radio/Emergency Alert System
Tennessee Residents: On Wednesday, a statewide tornado drill will occur between 11 AM and noon. If it is cancelled due to bad weather, it will be postponed to Thursday.
Stay tuned to this blog to see each day's feature!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Snow pics now online - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
My pictures of the recent blizzard to annihilate Memphis (yeah, right) are now available. Look to the right under "My Recent Photos" [on the WunderBlog].
My pictures of the recent blizzard to annihilate Memphis (yeah, right) are now available. Look to the right under "My Recent Photos" [on the WunderBlog].
Snow possible again this weekend? - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
In WFO MEG's (the National Weather Service office in Memphis) Area Forecast Discussion (AFD), the forecaster "AC" states that forecast models in the past several days have "been hinting at more wintry weather" over the coming weekend. According to this statement, the incoming storm system could bring freezing rain and snow starting Friday night; however, it is too early for specific details. Note: your children will likely be unhappy as this storm system will likely move in Friday night. Kind of sounds like the Feb. 10 blizzard?
In WFO MEG's (the National Weather Service office in Memphis) Area Forecast Discussion (AFD), the forecaster "AC" states that forecast models in the past several days have "been hinting at more wintry weather" over the coming weekend. According to this statement, the incoming storm system could bring freezing rain and snow starting Friday night; however, it is too early for specific details. Note: your children will likely be unhappy as this storm system will likely move in Friday night. Kind of sounds like the Feb. 10 blizzard?
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Wanna know the Olympic weather? - WU
**This post was archived from the MemphisWx WunderBlog.**
Check out this link to Torino, Italy's weather, with a forecast for each of the events. Pretty cool.
Torino 2006 Official Website
NBC Olympics - official provider of American TV coverage of the Olympics
Check out this link to Torino, Italy's weather, with a forecast for each of the events. Pretty cool.
Torino 2006 Official Website
NBC Olympics - official provider of American TV coverage of the Olympics
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